Covering Up for Workout Motivation Loss While Trying Not to Quit

Having a tough time keeping up the motivation? Don’t worry we all have been there. But giving up or quitting is not an option. The brain might be making up reasons to skip or quit. Continue to work is hard with the motivational loss but going back after quitting is even harder. Either you are working to lose weight or gain mass or just keep up what you have motivation loss can still happen. Consider yourself lucky if you never have into such a situation. The following tips are for those who feel motivation tearing off. Unlock your true workout potential by following these tips.
Choose the right time
Tough day at work followed by an intense gym session further followed by doing chores or looking after your children will obviously cause exhaustion. This can become the reason you would want to quit. Seek out the time that suits you and go for it. Reducing the intensity of your workouts or reducing the number of days you go to the gym can help.
Think of the benefits
Put up a poster in your room or set a motivating wallpaper on the phone. Do what it takes to remember and notice daily what your goals are and why you started. Keep reminding yourself of the benefits you are having and the ones you will get in the long race. For starters, it will help you sleep better, relieve stress, get bad thoughts away, help with depression and anxiety, and there is a lot more.
Don’t stick to the same routine
Doing the same old workout routine is bad. First, the human body gets used to the workout routine after a while. so repeating is doing no good. Second, doing the same workouts over and over is boring as hell. Thus, do not stick to the same routine for any longer than 10 months.
Increasing weights, altering reps, trying the alternative workout or changing the routine are a few ways you can bring in some change. This will help you save yourself from dying of boredom. Talk to your coach in such cases, it really helps.
Be around motivated people
One of the simplest ways to keep up your motivational level is by being around motivated people. I don’t really know how but it definitely helps. However, all of us cannot say the same so there are more ways. Keep on reading and you’ll know.
Put workout clothes on
Yes, you read this one right. before thinking about anything put on your workout clothes before time. What this will do? Give you a reason to go to work because the clothes are already on all you have to do is just go there. Just remember to wear weather and location appropriate clothes.
Workout with someone
Working out with a training partner helps in many ways. You have something to look forward to and the motivation be on the same level as the partner. Don’t be the one to ruin a workout day by skipping, your partner is waiting for the workout. Get yourself a workout partner.
Or you can try a group workout session where there are more than two people. Some people are not just made to do it alone. Don’t worry about it!
Keep eating healthy
Cheating with your diet will do many bad things. In short, it will push you away from your fitness goals. How is this bad though?
You worked out hard every day for a month or so but did not get results you wanted. It will be a huge letdown. At that time, you will not think of all the cheating you did. So, it is better to stop it now rather than whine about it later.
Don’t make skipping a habit
Skipping workout sessions because of some problems is one thing. But making it a habit is another. On top of that, avoiding a specific muscle or workout is worst. This will add up without you even noticing and the next thing you know. You look like Johnny Bravo because you missed all the leg days.
Try an alternate
There is more than one way of getting fit. It does not specifically have to be a gym or running. Doing 5 to 10 minutes of HIIT at home or playing sports, swimming and martial arts training are fun alternatives you can opt for. But do not forget the long-term goal you have.
Motivational loss or not wanting to hit the gym happens to most of us. If you let that consume your mind, things will go south. Fight with yourself and keep going on the right track towards a better future. Do what it takes to keep going. Follow the guide above or come up with a solution of your own because no one knows you better than you.