How to Get Rid of Fordyce Spots

Lips are a very important part in our body and face. A big smile will not be so beautiful if our lips spotless. In the daily routine, our lips act a very remarkable role in smiling, kissing, eating, talking, etc. Lips make a differentia in the oral communication too, as their movement may change our effects in conversation.
You required beautiful lips for a happy lifestyle, and if something happened to them, such as cracking or fordyce spots, life becomes really hard and contacting with people is really embarrassing. Something differently normal on our lips can be huge transaction breakers and can even hinder our confidence in an important conversation. Before we sum up how to get rid of fordyce spots, let’s understand a little about this disease.
Causes of fordyce spots
Normal facial skin, especially the skin of lips is often thin, or the impact of external factors (sun, dust, bacteria) should be less protected or hurt.
Upper lip grow more white droplets may encounter in fordyce disease, acne, perioral dermatitis.
The cause of the disease is unknown but may relate to factors such as the structure of the sweat glands, emotions, hormonal factors.
Fordyce spots on the lips is from birth, often appear about pubescence, and usually lasts throughout the life of the patient.
Typically, fordyce spots on your lips would not suffer any irritation and pain. Fordyce spots on the lips without symptoms, that is simply losing aesthetic appearance without any other problems. Nevertheless, you may be itching or irritation occurs if you try to use a treatment method is not suitable for fordyce spots on the lips.
Fordyce spots on lips and mouth are completely harmless and not contagious in any way. Fordyce spots affects both men and women, although men seem to be more frequent. However, the incidence and extent of Fordyce spots on and around the mouth are very different from person to person. No hurt, does not affect health, but losing the aesthetic environment, causing concern kiss and communication constraints.
Treatment of fordyce spots
Because the fordyce spots are sebaceous glands, have no symptoms and do not under any systemic diseases then should usually no specific treatment indications. The treatment of these fordyce spots mainly because of beauty purposes. However, if you choose the treatment, make sure that the method and basis of treatment you choose is safe and appropriate to avoid complications that may occur as itching or allergies. Hereunder are some ways of how to get rid of fordyce spots for your reference.
The method to remove fordyce spots:
• Project the green light
Blue light is a cold light, pure and deep, which projected in the area requiring treatment has anti-bacterial, astringent acne, regulate oil glands, connection capillaries, soothing and anti-charm skin, from that eliminates fordyce spots.
• Applied Laser technology
CO2 lasers would impact deep enough into the skin, help recovery and proliferative components of the skin that retains the intact skin tissue around the emitter location. Healthy skin cells will support treated skin restored and reconstructed in an optimal way. However this technology is quite costly so you need to consider carefully.
• Use medicine
Lotions containing isotretinoine can reduce the size of the sebaceous glands with long-term conditions of use. However, these drugs may be associated with side effects and the possibility of recurrence is high when the drug is stopped then you are should be careful when using.
Note to the fordyce spots
– Absolutely not squeeze, sting fordyce spots under lip to avoid multiple infections which create pimples, swollen, can lead to complications of sepsis, high fever, encephalitis extremely dangerous.
– Correct skin care: keep the lips cleaned, do not use cosmetics, covering a mask when going outside.
– Consume high quality food, eat plenty vegetables, fruits, drink plenty of water; avoid eating food too sweet, too salty or contain oily.
– Doing exercises, soothing facial massage helps blood circulation.
– Get enough sleep, avoid staying up late, long sitting in front of a computer or electronics.
Ideally, you should go to the hospital or the dermatologist to accurately diagnose the cause and advise how to get rid of fordyce spots. Should not arbitrarily medication treatment can cause unwanted complications.
Wish you soon cured!