10 Effective Home Remedies For Migraine

Pounding pain & nausea along with severe sensitivity towards light & noises are just excruciating factors. Several medicines can be prescribed to reduce the effect of a migraine; however first attempting home remedies is always a desirable alternative. Let us see some of the easily accessible home remedies to fight against a migraine.
Acupressure has been an acutely effective remedy to cure & achieve relief in a headache or various kinds. Here the sufferer needs to put a specific amount of pressure on certain areas of the body. These specific pressure points release muscular tension & provide relief from pain. One of the known points is LI-4 located between space in the middle of left thumb base & pointer finger. Approximately 5 minutes of light pressure massage on this point can reduce pain & related nausea. A medically driven study conducted in 2012 did prove this theory between subject sizes of 40 migraine patients.
Dietary Alterations
Several cases have been registered where certain food items do a trigger a headache. One can avoid having the encounter by staying away from these kinds of food items. Some of the common triggering things have been processed foods, red wine, alcohol, chocolate, aerated drinks (containing caffeine) & etc. Some people use a food diary for keeping exact track of migraine attack & probable causes. As soon as you have identified possible food which is causing migraine, stay away from that item. Also, always look for the ingredients in any composition of processed foods.
Use Lavender Oils
Essential oils have been very effective remedies from curing stress & anxiety led headaches. A concise study by European Neurology has provided very encouraging results in this direction. One just needs to inhale the lavender oil in order to activate its effect for releasing pain. Here probably the remedy may not help in all the cases but one must try in order to find out. Essential oils have been used in several domains as natural remedy & also being one antimicrobial in homemade cleaning products.
Ginger has been one wonder herb which has proved to be useful in numerous illnesses. One study researched the use of ginger powder on 100 migraine patients. Here these participants showed a positive effect of using ginger powder. Here the effect was surprisingly comparable to sumatriptan which is a common drug to control a migraine. The best benefit of using ginger in place of the drug is there would be no side effects. In some cases, patients have been suffering allergies on accounts of such drugs, wherein use of ginger will have no such harsh effect.
In several cases, people not consuming enough water have been seen suffering from a migraine. In case of inadequate water, consumption electrolytes go missing from the body. These insufficient electrolytes cause a headache. One needs to consume water & stay hydrated throughout. Several studies have suggested that appropriate diet changes & adequate water consumption can help in reducing the severity of a migraine.
Yoga & Meditation
In today’s fast-paced life in several cases stress & anxiety lead to the occurrence of a migraine. One needs to get control over thoughts & stressors for getting rid of a migraine. Meditation & Yoga have been helping mankind for centuries. Regular exercise with meditation can help us controlling negative thoughts & emotions. Also, one has to take enough rest in order to bring the utmost balance in active & passive life.
Magnesium has been identified as an important mineral in the body which causes migraine in the case has been an inadequate level. This also creates migraine aura as well as a menstrual migraine headache. Migraine aura has been a condition where one experience visual disturbance at the beginning of a migraine. Several types of research have suggested that consumption of magnesium-rich food does help in reducing migraine to a great extent. One needs to consult a doctor before consuming magnesium in a direct manner. Some of the magnesium-rich foods are spinach, banana, figs, nuts, peas, cabbage tuna fish & many others.
In many people, light massage in body parts like neck & shoulders does help in relieving tension in muscles which causes a migraine. One must go for a skilled & professional masseur in the case is done externally. For those, who wish to do it on their own can use a tennis ball for doing self-massage for relief. Here we suggest one should concentrate on the back & shoulder muscles for effective impact.
Stress Reduction
Several people have apparent causes for aggravated stress in their daily life. One must identify if he is having an acute stressor & is also having a severe migraine. Here high possibility does exist between the stress & headache. Taking charge of the situation & making sure you have successful combat against stress is the key to getting rid of a migraine. A person can maintain a journal for noting down important events & triggers for stress. Also, regular work-out with meditation surely helps in reducing stress. We also have participants in stress management classes getting relief from a headache. Basic remedies like having light music around while having a soothing bath can do wonders sometimes.
Some people find it soothing to have hot or cold compress in the condition of a migraine. Here both kinds of temperature compresses have been helping people. One just needs to understand the effectiveness over self & execute this remedy. Here majority people reported of preferring cold compress for reducing migraines pain, however hot compress has also been effective in several cases. People may experience some side effects of this therapy. We suggest that people who have circulatory issues, sugar problem or some skin related issue should stay away from using extreme temperatures.
A migraine is quite a prevalent phenomenon. Even in kids, a migraine has been evidenced at a tender age. To avoid the same one needs to be given an appropriate alternative in terms of games or toys which can be bought using firstcry coupons. These would help in developing their abilities & control migraine. Here one of the major reason causing migraines has been excessive screen-time, which parents have to control.